How Does X-Ray Scanner for Control at the Airports Work

Have you ever seen the big x ray scanner for control at the airport? That tool is one of the innovations that allow the security team to provide safety for the passenger. It’s also the frontline of the security system to prevent any accident that could happen during the flight. Then, have you ever wondered how that tool works? 

The Types of X-Ray Scanners for Control

First, you should know the type of scanner they use. Mostly, airports use either a millimeter radio-wave scanner or a backscatter scanner. As its name implies, the millimeter radio-wave scanner uses radio waves to detect the object. It is a similar wave that mobile phones emit. It means this type of scanner doesn’t use an X-Ray. 

The backscatter scanner is the type that uses X-Ray. The X-Ray used is not at the level that can harm people’s bodies. And, this type of scanner that we are going to find out how it works.

How Does It Work

The x-ray scanner has two parts, which are the x-ray launcher and detector. Mostly, it has two pairs on two sides and one at the top part. This design will create a full view of a scanned object from all sides. Thus, it will be much easier to identify the object.

Then, when the X-rays are launched, they will pass through the scanned object. That object will absorb some of the X-ray energy. The rest of the launched X-ray will be received by the detector. That will visualize the detected object. So, this system can see what is inside your bag. 

How does the x ray scanner for control find the illegal items inside luggage? The scanner has a system that uses algorithms, such as IBS or Scantech, to provide a carbon outline of the scanned object. Then, it will match the shape with the database. 

When it detects an illegal item, the operator uses the Z-effective number and mass density to visualize the material in detail. That way, the operator can see objects much better. Moreover, the system algorithm and operator combination will also reduce the chance of false alarms during the scanning process.


The X-ray scanner improves the security checking process. In the past, we used the manual method to open the passenger luggage, which is uncomfortable. But, x ray scanner for control is the best solution. It has speed, better protection for passenger privacy, and accuracy than other methods.

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